image credit: http://kakao-bean.deviantart.com/
Hansel and Gretel are running out of bread crumbs. I am a deplorable journalist. Here I am with nothing better than crumbs to bear the record of my memories and the birds are coming. It is time to write. This project is a vehicle to process and share my understanding as I try to reconcile three facts of my life. It is my intent to develop an effective, economical, healthful, and delicious rotating food storage. I consider preparing and maintaining a food storage to be part of my responsibility to care for my family. I also have the desire, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since young adulthood, to follow prophetic counsel to store food. I further have the intent to govern the choices of the food I intake and provide my family with through adherence to a law of health given by revelation called the Word of Wisdom. You can read this revelation here! I seek to understand it deeply and challenge myself to live it fully. These intents are contrasted by my intolerance to gluten and corn. I am nearly a year into this process of seeking inspiration regarding the diet of myself and my family. I know that my Heavenly Father has blessed me richly through this process, and testify that prayer and obedience to the laws of the gospel and counsel of the prophets bring blessings. I hope this project provides you with food for thought, wherever you are at in your own food journey. I preface my remarks with complete acknowledgment that the choices I make are the result of the inspiration I have sought on behalf of myself and my family, and as such, I have no expectation for my readership to come to the same conclusions. I hope we will increase in gratitude for the bodies we have been blessed and entrusted with, and that you will receive the inspiration you need as you prayerfully consider your own choices. I wish you the best.

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